We believe that wellness and awesome health starts with the food that we eat. Appreciation for the place where it all starts---our local farms---is therefore in order. You may not have set foot in one of such farms, but we can offer you the next best thing-- a virtual tour, as it were, by savoring the freshly prepared food at Rabano.
The lettuces, herbs, greens, and vegetables we offer are sourced from local farms such as Valdivia, Murray, Weiser, Mc Grath, Herr, Tanaka Farms, and other champions of sustainable agriculture, prioritizing organic produce when feasible. Additionally, we grow our own organic leafy greens and herbs using hydroponic towers. This dedication to freshness enables us to present the finest seasonal produce with pride and joy.
We carefully select our ingredients. Our chickens roam freely, nurtured without the use of antibiotics. Our pork hails from small family ranchers in central Iowa, naturally raised, hormone and antibiotic-free. Our beef comes from Harris Ranch, California, consisting of naturally raised Black Angus; while our hamburger patties are 100% grass-fed. Furthermore, our menu includes organic tofu and plant-based proteins.
The excellence of our cooking and salad dressings is elevated by the richness of olive oil, coconut and avocado oil. We refrain from using any seed oils in our cooking and frying processes.
White Rice: short grain.
Ancient grains: brown rice, organic quinoa, organic forbidden black rice.
Garlic Noodles: wheat noodles seasoned with olive oil, sea salt, garlic.
Our chef masterfully concocts our exclusive blends of sauces, dressings, and seasoning rubs in-house. Using only Mediterranean sea salt and gluten-free soy sauce enhances the unparalleled flavors we offer.
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